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Fatima Jelassi is a Swedish artist and rapper. Inspired by her own personal journey, a motto she lives by is “Dandelion children are soldiers”. Growing up with loved ones who struggled with addiction, her music becomes an outlet for her feelings. The music is built on memories where Jelassi allows herself to delve into her past with the ambition of offering understanding to the unaware, and healing to those who can relate.

At SCOPES, Jelassi will be performing songs from her new album ”dom har bara gett mig ett namn”. Sharing a part of herself with the audience, she’s presenting a glimpse into what a random day in her life could look like.

“I have mixed feelings about Stockholm. However, recently, while sitting in a taxi and looking out, I realized that even though I had traveled that route at least 500 times before, I always saw new things that I hadn't noticed before. It made me realize that I had never really been present in the moment even though I had lived in the same city my entire life. It became like a new start in a weird way and I’m kind of finding my way around the city again.”


Jelassi will also participate in a panel talk together with Moa Gürbüzer / Oddbird. It’s a fireside chat with both women sharing their experiences and struggles with loved ones stuck in addiction.

Dandelion children are soldiers, our synchronicity and bond, Come what may, personal battles to poisoned streams – we march on in the storm.

No tickets needed, 
Free Entrance - 18+

The Location - Värmeverket